
How to Get the Most Out of Your Virtual Assistant

I'm here to provide you with amazing virtual assistance. To me amazing virtual assistance must be accurate, timely and affordable. Let's face it though, sometimes things just don't go the way we'd like them to sometimes. For example, you informed me of a project that needs my immediate attention. I get started right away and hours before you need the project done, you remember that you forgot to tell me that one small detail that could ruin everything.

While that is just a random example I threw out there, anything could go wrong at any time on my end or your end (don't worry though, I work extra hard to prevent errors on my end) so I make sure to eliminate mistakes and forgetful errors so that the possibilities of disaster are limited. So what I've done is come up with a couple easy steps to help you get the most out of using my services. Remember, I will always be straight-forward with my clients and never beat around the bush like others may.

1. Be detailed!

Some people don't really understand the importance of filling out the 'Have Me Do It' form. They prefer to just send me a message telling me what they need done. While this is ok to initiate the process, filling out the form ensures that small details are accounted for just in case either of us forget to ask or tell. Most of the information I need in order to make sure I provide you with amazing virtual assistance will be filled out when you use the form so please don't shy away from it.

2. Communicate!

Communication is always VERY important in any type of relationship. We can't assume anything or it could end up being costly. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to ask me. If any problem arises such as change of plans, change of project, or anything in between let me know as soon as possible. Even if you run into financial problems, let me know so that we can make necessary adjustments. I may strive to be a perfectionist sometimes but I'm also human and very understanding, so just constantly keep me in-the-know of any changes that take place.

3. Reply!

While this doesn't happen too often, it has happened: a client wants me to complete a project; we go through everything and I get started. After a while, I'd have a question that in order for me to continue, I would need this question answered. I would try to contact my client but for some reason they'd fail to get back to answer my question. This can hold things up drastically and on top of that, the client will pop up out of nowhere on the day of the project's deadline expecting their project. This can be very aggravating for you, and a waste of time for me.

I make myself available to my clients 24/7 and while I don't expect the same in return, I would absolutely LOVE it, if you guys replied to any messages I leave for you.

In the end, I'm a caring and loving professional dedicated to providing my clients with quality virtual services for prices they can afford. This is what I love to do, and I love being able to help. But the best way to get the most out of using my services would be to help me, help you.



Email: While just about everyone has an email address nowadays, you'd be surprised to find out how many people DONT. One way to get in touch with me is via email, this is also how some of my clients get exclusive savings on my services monthly. Without an email you won't be able to subscribe. While for some email addresses you have to pay, there are many where you don't. Here are a few that are FREE:,,,

Skype: Easy way to make phone calls from your computer as well as instant message your contacts. Skype also offers many valuable tools that anyone can find useful. I host webinars, answer questions, troubleshoot and a lot more from Skype. Anyone can benefit from a Skype account and this will give you immediate access to me online.

Have Me Do It Form: Fill out this form to let me know you would like to have me help you out. You can also use this form just to inquire to see how much the project will cost you. By filling out this form you are not obligated to anything it is used for informational purposes only. click START

HMDI Newsletter: My subscribers get savings that are only offered to them, yup, no one else. There is no charge to subscribe to my newsletter and I will never share your information with anyone else. The newsletter will be sent to your email monthly with great deals and promotion codes that can be combined with other savings. Again, this is for subscribers only! on the homepage, you will see the sign-up form.

How To Get The Most Done In Little Time

So, you have a deadline that's approaching very soon and you don't see how you could possibly get everything done on time? Working as a Virtual Assistant, most of the time I'm working on a deadline and it is rarely on my side. So here are a few tips on making sure you beat the clock in this race against time!

1. Stay Organized
Making sure your office or work area is neat and tidy can prove to be VERY beneficial especially when trying to meet a deadline. When you are busy working you should focus your time on production not looking for papers, notes, files etc. Working in a mess or an unorganized environment is stressful and takes up more of your time---time that can be focused on your actual work.

2. Plan Ahead
Sometimes you know in advance when your deadline is, and sometimes you don't. In either case, you should automatically come up with a plan as to how you will get your project completed by that date or time. Immediately come up with 2-5 steps (this depends on how complex the project is but usually should be no more than 6 or 7) that are broad and sum up smaller tasks that will complete that step.

For example:
Project 1078

1. Send data to BX Team
  a. compile list of publishers in target area
  b. verify information
  c. conduct publisher survey
  d. input analytical results
  e. send docs to team

2. Gather BX Team Input and Execute
  a. update team form
  b. send form to members of BX team
  c. analyze and record results of bx form
  d. upload and publish form results to server
The smaller steps are actual tasks that you should complete, once the tasks are done you have completed the step then you would move on to the next. This is an easy way to stay on track, organized and measure your progress. You should also prioritize and give yourself enough time to spend on each task so that you can get the project done on time. Quality is always key but staying ahead of the game and pacing yourself that you remain on schedule is also important.

Planning ahead also means re-prioritizing everything so that you can successfully complete your project by its deadline.When I have a tight deadline, I'll change my personal plans if I feel it will help me meet my deadline. From rearranging conference times to putting a couple things on hold, you have to figure out what's more important so prioritizing is very important when it comes to meeting a deadline. If you can't prioritize you probably won't get many things done on time, if ever.

3. Get Started
Many times we are so caught up in thinking about how we want to do something that we don't even start! We'll think about it for so long that by time we are done thinking, we don't have enough time to finish. One thing that I tell people is to just go with the flow. Time will wait for no one so you have to get moving as soon as you can. Spend adequate time creating a plan and then implement it. You can always change things around later if you need to.

Questions or comments? Leave a comment here or email me at

Why People Need Virtual Assistance

I wanted to kick off the first post answering why people need virtual assistance.

First, it is important to understand WHO can benefit from outsourcing? And the answer is just about anyone and everyone! From the soccer coach to the lawyer at a firm, to your local dentist's office, anyone that can say, "I need a little help with..." can benefit from hiring a Virtual Assistant or outsourcing. A Virtual Assistant is a professional that is an expert in specific subjects that is devoted to assisting you complete projects involving those subjects of his or her expertise. There are many different types of Virtual Assistants just like different types of lawyers for example.

HOW can a Virtual Assistant help you? By assisting you, a Virtual Assistant can easily pinpoint your strengths as well as weaknesses and offer valuable help with your projects and point you in the right direction. Virtual Assistants not only save you money by using their experience and skills to keep you from making costly mistakes, they also save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars of hiring an employee or local personal assistant.

WHAT can a Virtual Assistant do for you? Honestly, the real question is what would you like your Virtual Assistant to do for you? Try this out for yourself if you don't believe me. Ask a Virtual Assistant for help on anything. If they can not help you out, I'm positive they will point you out in the right direction. We are in service to help you so we are happy to help out whenever we can.

And the golden question: WHY do people need virtual assistance? People need virtual assistance because let's face it, we come up with a million things to do that result in two million things on our to-do lists. The final result is a headache, no sleep, poor production and quality in our work or other every-day tasks, and only a few things actually checked off. We bury ourselves in our ideas and forget that it's ok to ask for help. By asking for help, you are allowing yourself to grow and advance in your goals. No need to pay for office space, tools, health or other employee benefits, they are independent contractors ready to help you out for an hourly or flat rate no strings attached!

For more information, please visit my site: or follow me on Twitter: