
VA Assessment

Browsing the web, I've come across many people that are happy that they've found out about virtual assistance, and are happy with their current VA company, but then there are those that are disappointed with their experience. If you currently have a Virtual Assistant, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Did the VA ask questions when he/she did not understand something clearly?
  2. Did the assistant acknowledge work requests quickly so you knew what was going on?
  3. Did the VA understand the task AND your underlying goal(s)?
  4. In what quality are the tasks completed?  Are they doing bare minimum or going the extra mile?
  5. Are the hours spent on your task reasonable?  Are you paying for the VA to learn?
  6. Are the tasks done in a timely manner?
  7. Do you get reports back and proper followup from your Virtual Assistant?
  8. Are there errors in your copy?  How is the assistant's grammar and spelling?
  9. How do you feel?  Are you confident in your Virtual Assistant’s ability to get things done or do you feel like you need to watch them every step of the way.  This improves with time, but if you do not feel like you can count on them, you should try another VA.
You should also always make sure that the communication between you and your Virtual Assistant is CLEAR. Define your tasks clearly and make sure you set realistic goals and deadlines. It is also wise to let your VA know what you expect.

Remember, working with a Virtual Assistant should always be a mutually beneficial relationship. Not one that creates more work, headache or stress for you. Also know that you just may have to find the right VA for you. This goes back to setting and stating your expectations. It's almost like shopping for a new home or car. If you only want a red car, don't buy a blue one.

If you've never worked with a VA before, here's WHY you should.

Questions? Concerns? Email me or leave a comment.

Virtual Greeters in NYC

(Article via

Wow, new technology is being introduced every day! Check out this article I'm sure you'll love especially if you are a store owner looking for new ways to engage your customers.

New York City -- Next-generation digital signage that uses the latest in holographic imaging and audio-visual technology to create the illusion of a real person is making its U.S. debut at Duane Reade’s new flagship in downtown Manhattan.

The technology, the Tensator Virtual Assistant, is provided by Lawrence, a Tensator Group Co. Completely customized for Duane Reade, it takes the form of a female greeter who welcomes entering customers and provides information on everything store-related. Currently, the greeter has seven different scripts, each of which speaks to a different store element.

“All seven run on a continuous loop,” explained Keith Carpentier, senior business development manager-retail, Lawrence, a Tenstaor Group Company, Bay Shore, N.Y.

Carpentier added that an updated, version of the Virtual Assistant is in the works, with more interactive and dynamic capabilities.

Duane Reade is the first retailer to deploy the Virtual Assistant technology. The other commercial applications to date have been in the United Kingdom, at London Luton and Birmingham Airports.

“Our Virtual Greeter is an essential part of the ‘wow factor’ we have built into our newest store and serves as ambassador of the new Duane Reade experience,” said Paul Tiberio, senior VP merchandising and CMO, Duane Reade. “The virtual aspect captures shoppers’ attention from the moment they enter the store -- engaging their visual and auditory senses.”

By Marianne Wilson